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International Conference

Trails of Peace between history, memory and communication 

The international conference, organized by Università IULM (Department of Humanities and the Euresis Research Centre) with Politecnico di Milano (Mantova Campus), together with the Italian Network of Universities for Peace (Runipace), promoted by the Conference of Rectors (CRUI), with the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) and the Red Internacional de Universidades Lectoras (RIUL), will be held in Milan at Università IULM on 10 December 2021, the anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, with an advance on 9, at the Mantova Campus of Politecnico di Milano. 

The international meeting, following a path that goes from Solferino to the Great War, from Guernica to Hiroshima, up to the post-bipolar scenarios, aims to help reflect on the meaning of museums of peace, on the role of cities, universities, the world of communication and art in the protection of human rights and forms of narration of the peace-war theme, from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. Furthermore, attention will be paid to the relationship between impact on territories and construction of transnational networks, with attention to the Italian experience in global scenarios. 


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